The George Pohl (Advance) engine was bought from Fred Ruddle in the early 1990's. The engine's S/N is 1495, and the original paint colour is red. Our engine, affectionately known as "Georgie", was originally a 30 Hp model that has been stamped up to 40 sometime before we purchased it. It is also a three bearing sideshaft engine, which seems to add a bit to the value. Georgie ran for the first time in what seems like forever in the summer of 2001.
The following are pictures taken before, during and after the restoration.
The Quest Begins - Georgie playing in the snow.
A Closer Look - This is a closer view of Georgie.
A Mugshot - Doesn't he look happy??
Cracked!! - There is always one thing wrong!!
Busted - A look at the old bearing.
Finally Out - Now we can begin cleaning.
More Removal - Once the piston came out we could start working on it too.
Another "Happy" Shot - Does this man know how to smile??
Lathe Work - Here the lathe is put to good use lining up, and cleaning the rod.
Still Working - More things that need to be done, great.
Two Parts Done - Only a couple hundred more.
Call The Labour Board!! - Poor Me!!
Oh Dear... - Why is it so important to do this??
You're Unbelieveable!! - It was risky, but worth it!!
Check Your Eyes!! - Is that what I think it is??
A Work In Progress - Someday this will get done.
A Bit More Progress - The new bearing, and the old.